Most Recently Featured in
Northshore Magazine
Cape Ann, Massachusetts
Press & Recognition
Classic Shingle style home in Gloucester, Massachusetts (Spring 2020)
The Junior League of Boston 2017 Designer Show House Belmont, Massachusetts. Embellishments was asked to set the tone for the house and design “The Vestibule.” (Fall 2017)
Recognition for “inspiring studio” design. (Special Issue Summer 2009)
Accolades for "The Salon" from the 2008 Weston Show House - sponsored by Channel 5 WCVB TV for the benefit of the Robert F. Kennedy Children’s Action Corps. (Spring 2009)
Featuring an article about our selection of kitchen countertops for a kitchen renovation. (Fall 2005)
Kind Words
Candid words our clients have generously shared.
“Abby, everything is so well appointed.
I tell you all of this to let you know how much I appreciate your talent and ability to see how a family with various age groups and professional stages would function cohabiting during a holiday. Everyone felt comfortable and relaxed, which is the goal, even though some continued to carry on with personal activities that cannot wait because their professions demand constant attention. All rooms were used. The office space was used by my sister and my daughter (she has 11 college exams this and next week). The game room was used by all cousins as they comfortably played board games and built puzzles. The bedrooms were calming and another oasis for everyone. The den was so cozy with the wrap around curtains and the well placed artwork- the fireplace was used, TV, and balcony where my bother and his wife took photos and videos. I can go on and on. We never felt crowded and had plenty of zen spaces for everyone. It was truly amazing. The vibe of the house met our objectives: serenity, comfort, beauty, functional. All goals were met. Thank you for this and so much more.”
- F. Ocampo, Lexington, Massachusetts December 2024
“First of all, you are in great hands with Abby.
She is an excellent decorator with a very good eye for furniture styles, materials, textures, color, art, etc. I had never worked with a decorator before so honestly I was a bit apprehensive. I started by having her help me with one room, and gradually, we moved on to other rooms in the house. The more contact you have with her, and the more you discuss your likes and dislikes, style preferences, etc., she will understand how you and your family like to live and what things are important to you. What Abby does is help you organize all those aspects into a beautiful living space. She is very interested in knowing YOUR tastes and how you function on a daily basis. She welcomes your input.
When choosing fabrics, the options are literally endless - it is an overwhelming task to do it right. Abby will bring you fabric samples she thinks will work for your space, and then you and her will decide on the fabric together. So she will help you simplify the process - and she has excellent taste. She is very honest in her approach to decorating. Many times I have suggested something and she has steered me in a different direction, and in the end she was right. She has a classy style and an excellent eye for proportions as well - i.e., furniture heights, chair heights, lamp heights, table dimensions, etc., and how they all fit together in a room so the room looks balanced. You walk into a room and the room feels peaceful, and it looks pleasing but you don’t know why. You and your decorator know every piece hand picked to make the room feel that way. I have truly enjoyed working with Abby - and continue to do so."
— F. Ocampo, Lexington, Massachusetts September 2011
“I first tried a ‘go it alone’ approach,
visiting stores and perusing magazines, only to find myself overwhelmed by the range of choices and conflicting advice from salespeople. I then made the sensible choice of enrolling Abby’s services. The initial time we spent helping me figure out my likes and dislikes and what could fit with my lifestyle and sense of esthetics without making a fashion ‘faux pas’ was extremely useful. That made the shopping and furniture selection educational and enjoyable: I was no longer at the mercy of salespeople only interested in pushing their merchandise. Abby’s assistance in selecting the wall paint colors resulted in a home environment which is both beautiful and soothing. The furniture is beautiful, of high quality and comfortable. In sum, Abby has helped make my townhouse into a home that I and all my guests find absolutely beautiful”
— L. Savadogo, Waltham, Massachusetts
“Our master bedroom is worth a design award - it’s that good.
Two years ago Abby re-did a modest bathroom and due to the fine detailing and her understanding of materials and products the resulting gem still continues to charm. Because I knew that Abby would create a beautiful and elegant space, I asked her back to design our master bedroom.
And it’s not just one thing that makes the room “sing” - it’s how it all works together...fine tuning the color palette to the point that it draws you in and you are moved by it, choosing fabrics and materials which are stand alone lovely, but all together create an inspired symphony, as I call it “Abby Magic.”
I look forward to the ritual of retiring to the quietude of the bedroom after a long day. I lower the shades and pull closed that gorgeous English imported linen drapery fabric. I’ll turn down the bed and get cozy in the niche that she created, cuddling with my throw on a wingback chair, feet propped up on the ottoman and just read or wind down. The sense of well being that I get from being in that special space is truly wonderful."
— S. Dolgin, Lexington, Massachusetts
“Abby has an amazing talent for choosing just the right color, accessory, furniture, etc. to make a statement and fit the overall décor.
She is extremely personable and easy to do business with. Abby is also able to fit your budget whatever it may be. I can’t recommend Abby highly enough. Although we had not known Abby before we hired her, she has become a friend and I can honestly say she would be a tremendous choice for anyone wishing to have someone help with interior design and decoration.”
— S. Wolff, Waltham, Massachusetts
“Our end result is fantastic. Here are some reasons why Abby’s involvement made it all possible.
-Vision. Abby is a great listener. She listened carefully to what I wanted to accomplish and how I wanted things to look. She did not try to influence the design simply because something is popular or trendy. Abby helped me to create my vision.
-Simplify. Walking into a tile shop, a paint store, or a granite warehouse, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by all of the choices. Abby had a great way of making sense of it all. In each case, Abby and I would narrow down our choices to 3 or 4 options that we knew would work. From that point, we’d bring samples home and make a final decision. This technique worked wonderfully.
-Details. Abby and I discussed an endless stream of details: the thickness of the backsplash, the angle of the lights hitting the walls, the location of the towel bars, the colors for the tile grout, and on and on. Working with Abby gave me the confidence to appreciate that no detail was too small and nothing was overlooked.
-One more thing. Working with Abby made the entire process enjoyable. I would look forward to Abby’s visit to my home, knowing that we’d accomplish a lot each time we had decisions to make or details to review. We worked well together and had a lot of laughs along the way. I never knew that renovating a bathroom could be so much fun – thanks Abby!”
—R. Luppy, Waltham, Massachusetts